31 Week Pregnancy Vlog

31 Week Pregnancy Vloghello my Bondbeautys,

Sorry for the crazy pregnancy blogs I have been posting up, this is the last one then I will be caught up on these ! I will have another makeup blog up soon so don’t worry! So this is my most current one I am 31 weeks pregnant right now!

  • Due Date? Jan 6,2015
  • How far along? 31 Weeks
  • Symptoms? I have been having lots of heart burn still. Now I am getting so uncomfortable even when I am lying on my sides. My nails are getting so flimsy and bendable. So I broke my nails, it is terrible! I am also having scary braxton hicks  that last 2 hrs even when I am lying down. I also have discoloration of the skin so I have dark spots on the back of my neck, and legs. This is just something that will go away once the baby is born.
  • Weight gain/measurements? 174 lbs so I have gained a total of 34 lbs so far. I haven’t gained from last week which is good!
  • Stretch marks? No new ones, although I did have a scare with a mosquito bite on my belly.
  • Sleep? I am starting to have insomnia I am just so uncomfortable all the time. Also I have to pee all the time and it is at the point where I can’t wait to long or I will pee my pants.
  • Exciting Moments/event? I had my Gender reveal party! It was so fun, we did picture props to determine everyones vote !Big Family Vote + its a boy
  • Miss Anything? I don’t miss being out of breath! Even when get in and out of the truck I get out of breath. I also miss long nails! My nails have been braking lately !
  • Movement? Yes he his constantly kicking me and flipping.
  • Food Cravings? I have been craving tamales and spicy food still. I also have been craving cookies and donuts! not healthy!
  • Gender? He is a boy! We are going to name him Durham and we are so excited to finally release the Gender!!
  • Labour Signs? Pressure lots of pressure and braxton hicks!
  • Belly Button In or Out? In Still
  • Rings on or off? Off my hands are still really swollen
  • Mood? I have been emotional but not as cranky surprisingly!
  • looking forward to? I am looking forward to finishing his nursery I am almost done!

Now its time for the belly bump shot…

31 week belly

So do you think it is bigger than last week?


Beauty Comes from Within, so Let it shine!

<3 Love, Bondbeautyful


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